duipee life style

I’m a journalist for the local newspaper. I enjoy my job and the whole team there is just wonderful.

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I’m a journalist for the local newspaper. I enjoy my job and the whole team there is just wonderful.




3 Sexy Yoga Moves to Heat Up the Bedroom

3 Sexy Yoga Moves to Heat Up the Bedroom
You already know that sex doesn't just feel good, it's also good for your health. The benefits of sex range from improved cardiovascular health, better stamina, reduced stress, to better circulation. In fact, a study by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland found that individuals over 40 who reported having sex three times or more a week were judged by strangers to appear at least 10 years younger than their actual age.

So sex is clearly beneficial, as proven by research, but what if you want to improve the quality of your sex? And how do you do go about doing it?

One way of having a better sex life is to practice yoga, which both men and women can benefit from. And again, studies show a correlation between yoga and enhanced libido and sexual performance. A paper published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows habitual yoga practice improved sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm in women. Similar results were found in men too, with another study showing yoga helping reduce premature ejaculation, while increasing satisfaction, desire, control, and orgasm.

So, are you sold on the idea of yoga? Below are some sexy yoga moves you can try out now to see if it's for you.

Cat/Cow Pose
Start in Tabletop pose, shoulders aligned with your wrists, and hips aligned with your knees. As you inhale, arch your back to Cow pose, raising your chest and head away from your stomach; exhale and arch your back up, drawing your belly in into Cat pose.

This pose works by lengthening your spine and engaging your pelvis, developing the muscles in this area for more intense orgasms. Cat/Cow feels great and sexy, and be sure to feel your spine, hips, and sacrum as you arch your back up and down.

Plank Pose
Start in Tabletop pose again, with your wrists under your shoulders in a straight line. Press down with through your arms down to your hands, fingers out, and lift your buttocks and maintain a straight line from the top of your head all the way down to your feet be sure to keep your body straight, and don't forget to breathe.

This yoga pose strengthens the arms and spine, while also toning the abdominal muscles. This essential yoga pose is particularly beneficial for men, who need those strong back muscles and core for longer periods when doing the missionary pose in intercourse.

For women, the plank is one of the key exercises to getting a flatter tummy it won't hurt to have one in the sack.

Downard-facing Dog
Begin with your hands pressed down on the mat with outstretched fingers your hands should be around six inches forward of your shoulders. Keep your knees on the floor aligned with your butt, and raise your rear slowly as you exhale. Stretch and feel your spine forming a straight line from your head to your butt, which in turn forms another line down to your feet. Try to press your heels down on the mat to create an inverted V shape.

Downward-facing dog is an extension of the plank pose. This classic yoga move works your entire body, from your arms, torso, core, down to your quads, and calves. It's a move guaranteed to boost your sexual confidence when performed regularly. And with your increased flexibility, you won't be afraid to try out new positions in the bedroom.


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